#InsideHBI – Welcome Jana
Posted 18 Oct 2022
Name: Jana Schröder
Studies/Training: I am starting my studies in political science and communication at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich this fall. I have been interested in current political events since I was a child, and I am looking forward to gaining a deeper understanding of reasons and connections in ongoing politics through my studies.
Work experience: For the past year, I have been writing articles as a freelance writer for the newspaper Münchner Merkur. Before my studies, I also worked in sales, gastronomy and as a covid tester, and I am excited to now gain new experience in the field of PR.
What surprises us most about your resume? Probably my commitment – during my time at school, I was involved as a school representative, with Fridays for Future, with the school newspaper, in the environmental group, for Pulse of Europe and against discrimination, among other things. Volunteering is important for a community to function, and I’m already curious about what opportunities for involvement will open up during my studies.
What do you expect to learn in your first few months at HBI? I think I will learn a lot of new things and gain insight into different topics. I hope that I will be able to combine my theoretical knowledge from my studies with my work experience, and thus approach challenges from a constantly new perspective.
How do you imagine PR work to be? Versatile and tailored to the respective client. It is certainly exciting to look after a company over a longer period of time and to contribute to its further development.
Preferred Munich activity? I come from the Munich surrounding area, so I usually meet up with friends in Munich 😊
What fascinates you most about the technology industry? How quickly something unimaginable can become normal in this industry. For example with smartphones, we’ve seen how quickly this development has happened, and there are certainly many more surprises of this kind waiting for us.
Are you from Minga? Are you a local or a Zuagroasta? 😉 I have always lived near Munich. But I still don’t speak Bavarian 😉.
Most popular social media platform? Instagram. I find it exciting how everyone can put together their own world of personal interests here and so no Instagram user has the same user experience. If you make a conscious decision, you can build your own oasis of well-being.
Do you prefer being in the city or in the country? While I love city trips, I’m glad I grew up with a forest on my doorstep. As a kid, I could spend whole days outside and even today I find time in unspoiled nature relaxing.
What did you want to be when you were a kid? Tightrope walker in the circus. But after my sense of balance was only good enough for walking on pasture fences, I realized that my strengths lie more in writing and politics.
How do you keep up with news – print or online? Mostly online, but I’m always happy when I have enough time to read a printed newspaper with a cup of coffee.