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#InsideHBI – Welcome Julia!



Julia Lange


I completed my degree in International Business Management in Würzburg last year.

Work experience:

So far, I haven’t been able to gain any classic full-time experience – but definitely the odd working student job. 😊

What surprises us most about your resume?

Some of you might be surprised by how early I started working during my school years – and especially how much experience I was able to gain in catering and retail!

What do you expect in your first few months at HBI?

A cool team, lots of new input and perhaps one or two responsible tasks that I’ll be able to take on myself.

How do you imagine PR work will be?

Varied, creative and perhaps a little chaotic at times. It’s important to always respond to the customer – and that way you can also avoid the day becoming monotonous.

Preferred Munich activity?

Definitely going for a long walk in the English Garden or the Olympic Park. Then at the weekend I like to head off to the mountains!

What fascinates you most about the technology industry?

What fascinates me most is the fact that development in this area is never finished – but also the new challenges that all innovations bring with them. Also the discussion about it and the fact that the solution is often new technologies: crazy!

Are you from Munich? Are you a local or a Zuagroasta?

I come from a small village in Upper Franconia. So the Bavarian mentality is not unfamiliar to me, even if many Upper Bavarians would probably see it differently.

Most popular social media platform?

I (unfortunately) spend most of my time on TikTok. I don’t share anything there, but the app is still one of my biggest time wasters…

Do you prefer being in the city or in the countryside?

My favourite place to be is actually the countryside – but only because I come from the village and really appreciate the peace and quiet. But I love all the opportunities that the city offers all the more.

What did you want to be when you were a child?

I actually wanted to be a singer or an actress – the classics. 🎤

How do you find out about news – print or online?

Online during the week. At the weekend, I like to read the Süddeutsche Zeitung on Saturday mornings – with a big mug of coffee, of course. 😊

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