PR tips for international B2B companies operating in the German market
Public Relations
Posted 11 May 2021
For marketing managers employed in international B2B companies, it is not always easy to develop a global communications strategy that leads to success in all local media landscapes. Germany is no exception here. Since each local media landscape owns specific characteristics, content must be well-considered and implemented accordingly. Therefore, it can be helpful to work with a team of PR experts or a local communications agency whose experience and expertise can effectively convey the company’s core messages.
International B2B companies should take the following important points into consideration when implementing a PR strategy in Germany.
Public relations professionals in Germany mostly work behind the scenes. They write and send out press releases, maintain contact with journalists and represent their clients at events and trade fairs. However, there are differences between public relations in Germany and other countries, since not all PR teams worldwide pursue the same goals. It is true that all of them ideally advocate for their customers and want to publicize and represent them as successfully and authentically as possible.
But the media landscape and their way of communicating often differ significantly. This applies to both, the way they deal with journalists as well as with customers.
Particularly noticeable in Germany is the type of media usage. Comparing the reach of digital and print media, a clear picture emerges in 2020: the online reach (measured in unique users online portal per month / NpM) of newspapers was around 64 percent in 2020, according to the best-for-planning study. The reach of print editions (readers per issue / LpA) was around 56 percent. Together, the two means of output achieve a reach of 85 percent.
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The differences between public relations’ tasks in international PR work are primarily based in the media landscape. Social media, podcasts, blogs and online publications have gained influence. While it is important to also be present on social media through blogs and podcasts, print media, television and radio are still important channels for communicating content for now. For any international B2B company that is looking to implement a PR strategy in Germany, it is essential to have a team that is not only familiar with the local media but knows how to best use them.
This article was produced in collaboration with our WorldCom Champion Communications.