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SEO in 2024 – Optimizing your own website for search engines


The world of search engine optimization (SEO) is constantly evolving. In 2024, there are several new trends and tried-and-tested methods that need to be considered in order to be successful in search engine rankings.

Artificial intelligence (AI) & machine learning

AI and machine learning are playing an increasingly important role in the SEO landscape. Search engines like Google are using advanced algorithms to analyze user intentions and deliver more relevant results. Algorithms such as BERT and MUM help Google better understand the context and meaning of search queries. This means that the focus needs to be more on high-quality, informative content that is as user-friendly & engaging as possible.

Loading speed & user-friendliness

Since the introduction of Core Web Vitals, the loading speed and user-friendliness of a website have had an even greater influence on it´s ranking. The three most important metrics are Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), which measures the loading time of the largest visible content on the page. Also, important is the First Input Delay (FID), which measures the response time of the page to the first user input, and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS), which measures the visual stability of the page and how often the layout shifts. Optimizing the website can help to improve these metrics, for example, by minimizing JavaScript, optimizing images, and/or using a fast-hosting service.

Use of voice assistants

With the increasing use of voice assistants such as Alexa, Siri and Google Assistant, optimization for voice search is becoming increasingly important. Content must be optimized for natural language and long search queries (long-tail keywords). Content should therefore be structured in such a way that it clearly answers frequently asked questions. At the same time, content should be designed to appear in the highlighted snippets, as these are typically read aloud during voice searches.

Mobile optimization on all devices

Google has switched to mobile-first indexing, which means that the mobile version of a website is considered the primary version for ranking purposes. As a result, it must be ensured that the website looks and functions optimally on all devices. In addition, care should be taken to ensure that the loading time on mobile devices is optimized and that navigation and interactions on mobile devices are simple and intuitive.

As already mentioned, high-quality content remains the key to SEO success: content that is written with expertise, appears authoritative, and is trustworthy (E-A-T: Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness) is successfully ranked! Well-researched, informative, and relevant content that meets the needs of the relevant target group is essential here. Website content should also be updated regularly to remain relevant. Find out more here to achieve more visibility through high-quality content!


Backlinks will always be a key ranking factor. The quality of links takes precedence over quantity. It is advisable to get backlinks from trustworthy and authoritative websites. High quality content that is naturally linked to is crucial, as is a diverse link structure that avoids excessive linking from a single source to maintain credibility.

Local SEO with the help of a Google My Business profile

For businesses with a visible physical presence, local SEO plays an important role. A complete and up-to-date Google My Business profile is essential, as is the use of keywords that appeal to local searches. Positive reviews from satisfied customers should be encouraged, and it is beneficial to respond to all reviews.


SEO in 2024 requires a comprehensive strategy based on technical excellence, high-quality content, and a deep understanding of user needs. By taking current trends and proven methods into account, a website can be optimized for search engines and users alike. Flexibility and regular adjustments to strategies are necessary to meet the ever-changing demands of the SEO world.

About the author

Elena Sauter

Junior Communication Consultant at HBI Communication Helga Bailey GmbH

Elena Sauter has been supporting HBI in the areas of PR and marketing since 2022. As a Junior Communication Consultant, her responsibilities include the creation of professional articles & the conceptualization of social media postings. Furthermore, Elena is involved in directly assisting our client work.

Image source: Photo from Pixabay

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